Mathematica provides a number of tools for configuring and monitoring parallel computations. Some of these are accessed using menus from the Mathematica notebook front end. ...
Mathematica's symbolic architecture allows it to represent any equation as a symbolic expression that can be manipulated using any of Mathematica's powerful collection of ...
Pattern matching makes possible some of the most succinct and elegant programs in the Mathematica language—immediately compressing large numbers of conditional cases into ...
At the core of Mathematica's symbolic programming paradigm is the concept of transformation rules for arbitrary symbolic patterns. Mathematica's pattern language conveniently ...
The flexibility of Mathematica's symbolic architecture is reflected in its rich collection of carefully defined constructs for localization and modularization. The use of ...
Type Ctrl+DynamicBox[If[$OperatingSystem === MacOSX, T, D], ImageSizeCache -> {9., {0., 8.}}] or choose Graphics > Drawing Tools. For more information on each tool, click the ...
Mathematica provides a large number of options for cells. All of these options can be accessed through the Option Inspector menu item in the front end. They can be set either ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) e_1 && e_2 && ... is the logical AND function. It evaluates its arguments in order, giving False immediately if any of them are False, and True if they are all True.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Cell[contents] is the low-level representation of a cell inside a Mathematica notebook. Cell[contents, " style"] represents a cell in the specified style.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Import["file"] imports data from a file, returning a complete Mathematica version of it. Import["file", elements] imports the specified elements from a file.Import["http:// ...