EventLabels is an option to CandlestickChart, KagiChart, and similar functions that specifies events to labels.
FortranForm[expr] prints as a Fortran language version of expr.
GroupElementPosition[group, g] returns the position of the element g in the list of elements of group.GroupElementPosition[group, {g_1, ..., g_n}] returns the list of ...
ImageDeconvolve[image, ker] gives a deconvolution of image using kernel ker.
JoinForm[type] is a graphics directive that specifies what type of joins should be used to connect segments of lines, tubes, edges, and related primitives.
MaxRecursion is an option for functions like NIntegrate and Plot that specifies how many recursive subdivisions can be made.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) N[expr] gives the numerical value of expr. N[expr, n] attempts to give a result with n-digit precision.
StyleBox[boxes, options] is a low-level representation of boxes to be shown with the specified option settings. StyleBox[boxes, " style"] uses the option setting for the ...
VectorScale is an option to VectorPlot, ListVectorPlot, and related functions that determines the length and arrowhead size of field vectors that are drawn.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Xnor[e_1, e_2, ...] is the logical XNOR (not XOR) function. It gives True if an even number of the e_i are True, and the rest are False. It gives False if an odd number of ...