MardiaCombinedTest[data] tests whether data follows a MultinormalDistribution using the Mardia combined test.MardiaCombinedTest[data, " property"] returns the value of " ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Point[coords] is a graphics primitive that represents a point. Point[{coords_1, coords_2, ...}] represents a collection of points.
ShapiroWilkTest[data] tests whether data is normally distributed using the Shapiro\[Dash]Wilk test.ShapiroWilkTest[data, " property"] returns the value of " property".
WaveletImagePlot[dwd] plots the basis tree of wavelet image coefficients in the DiscreteWaveletData dwd.WaveletImagePlot[dwd, r] plots coefficients up to refinement level ...
When you set up a graphics object in Mathematica, you typically give a list of graphical elements. You can include in that list graphics directives which specify how ...
Mathematica is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. For a complete list of platform availability, visit ...
The method "DoubleStep" performs a single application of Richardson's extrapolation for any one-step integration method. Although it is not always optimal, it is a general ...
It is often useful to be able to detect and precisely locate a change in a differential system. For example, with the detection of a singularity or state change, the ...
NDSolve returns solutions as InterpolatingFunction objects. Most of the time, simply using these as functions does what is needed, but occasionally it is useful to access the ...
When Mathematica plots a graph for you, it has to make many choices. It has to work out what the scales should be, where the function should be sampled, how the axes should ...