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CopyFile   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
CopyFile["file_1", "file_2"] copies file_1 to file_2.
Copy   (Mathematica Front End Token)
"Copy" is a front end token that copies a selection to the clipboard without deleting it from the document.
DefaultDuplicateCellStyle   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
DefaultDuplicateCellStyle is a notebook option that specifies the default style to use for cells created by automatic duplication of other cells in the notebook.
Edit > Copy   (Mathematica Menu Item)
Copy copies a selection to the clipboard without deleting it from your notebook.
Edit > Copy As   (Mathematica Menu Item)
Copy As opens a submenu to copy a selection and convert it to the specified format.
CopySpecial   (Mathematica Front End Token)
"CopySpecial" is a front end token that converts the selection to a specified format and copies it to the clipboard.
PrintingCopies   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
PrintingCopies is an option for notebooks that specifies the number of copies of a notebook printed when a print command is given.
MathMLForm   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
MathMLForm[expr] prints as a MathML form of expr.
[Right-click] > Copy Address   (Mathematica Menu Item)
Copy Address copies the address of the selected (or clicked upon) hyperlink to the clipboard.
[Right-click] > Copy Hyperlink   (Mathematica Menu Item)
Copy Hyperlink copies the selected (or clicked upon) hyperlink text to the clipboard.
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