(Mathematica Character Name) Unicode: F4A2 Alias: Esc xnor Esc. Infix operator with built-in evaluation rules. x y is by default interpreted as Xnor[x,y].
(Mathematica Character Name) Unicode: 22BB. Alias: Esc xor Esc. Infix operator with built-in evaluation rules. x ⊻ y is by default interpreted as Xor[x,y].
(Mathematica Character Name) Unicode: 03B6. Aliases: Esc z Esc, Esc zeta Esc. Greek letter. Used in TraditionalForm for Zeta and WeierstrassZeta.
"AboutBoxDialog" is a front end token that opens a notebook containing information about Mathematica.
(Mathematica Front End Token) "Above" is a front end token that creates an OverscriptBox and fills the base with a selection.
"BackgroundDialog" is a front end token that opens the Color dialog to set the background color for selected cells or text.
(Mathematica Front End Token) "Balance" is a front end token that expands the selection to cover the nearest pair of matched bracketing characters.
(Mathematica Front End Token) "Below" is a front end token that creates an UnderscriptBox and fills the base with a selection.
"CellContextDialog" is a front end token that opens the Cell Context dialog.
"CellLabelsToTags" is a front end token that gives a selected cell a cell tag that is the same as its current input or output prompt.