Importing and Exporting Data Importing and Exporting Files Exporting Graphics and Sounds
Types of Numbers Complex Numbers Numeric Quantities
Basic Statistics Descriptive Statistics Discrete Distributions
Properties of Strings Operations on Strings Characters in Strings
Moving through Expressions Selecting and Deleting in Expressions Typing Fractions
Mathematica allows any front end command to be executed programmatically from within the kernel by sending an appropriate front end token. There are tokens for all standard ...
The history of an interactive Mathematica computation is both maintained in a fully editable Mathematica notebook, and is stored symbolically in a sequence of In and Out ...
DeleteFile["file"] deletes a file. DeleteFile[{"file_1", "file_2", ...}] deletes a list of files.
Mathematica's breadth of functionality in handling documents, computation, and graphics gives it a rich collection of menu items—all carefully designed to be as familiar as ...
(Mathematica Front End Token) "Cut" is a front end token that deletes the current selection and copies it to the clipboard.