CodeToLabeledTree[l] constructs the unique labeled tree on n vertices from the Prüfer code l, which consists of a list of n - 2 integers between 1 and n.
Cofactor[m, {i, j}] calculates the (i, j)\[Null]^th cofactor of matrix m.
CompleteBinaryTree[n] returns a complete binary tree on n vertices.
CompleteKaryTree[n, k] returns a complete k-ary tree on n vertices.
CompleteQ[g] yields True if graph g is complete. This means that between any pair of vertices there is an undirected edge or two directed edges going in opposite directions.
Compositions[n, k] gives a list of all compositions of integer n into k parts.
ConstructTableau[p] performs the bumping algorithm repeatedly on each element of permutation p, resulting in a distinct Young tableau.
Contract[g, {x, y}] gives the graph resulting from contracting the pair of vertices {x, y} of graph g.
CostOfPath[g, p] sums up the weights of the edges in graph g defined by the path p.
CoxeterGraph gives a non-Hamiltonian graph with a high degree of symmetry such that there is a graph automorphism taking any path of length 3 to any other.