Neighborhood[g, v, k] returns the subset of vertices in g that are at a distance of k or less from vertex v. Neighborhood[al, v, k] behaves identically, except that it takes ...
NextBinarySubset[l, s] constructs the subset of l following subset s in the order obtained by interpreting subsets as binary string representations of integers.
NextComposition[l] constructs the integer composition that follows l in a canonical order.
NextGrayCodeSubset[l, s] constructs the successor of s in the Gray code of set l.
NextKSubset[l, s] gives the k-subset of list l, following the k-subset s in lexicographic order.
NextLexicographicSubset[l, s] gives the lexicographic successor of subset s of set l.
NextPartition[p] gives the integer partition following p in reverse lexicographic order.
NextPermutation[p] gives the permutation following p in lexicographic order.
NextSubset[l, s] constructs the subset of l following subset s in canonical order.
NextTableau[t] gives the tableau of shape t, following t in lexicographic order.