Mathematica's unified symbolic architecture immediately allows it to perform structural transformations not only on objects like lists, but also on general symbolic ...
Mathematica allows data stored in standard systems formats to be analyzed and synthesized using the full power of Mathematica.
Mathematica can export tables of numerical and textual data to any common spreadsheet file format or as formatted text. It can also import from such formats to give ...
Mathematica's unified symbolic document architecture makes it possible to have flowing text contain any kind of object—including math, graphics or dynamic elements.
Mathematica provides standardized special characters to represent various forms commonly used to annotate or structure text.
Mathematica's scheduled tasks provide a way to set evaluation of arbitrary expressions in the future. Tasks can be scheduled for one-time evaluation, or for repeated ...
Urn models have a long history, starting with Laplace suggesting in 1786 that France's population be estimated by an urn-sampling scheme. They are conceptually relatively ...
In catering to the fine points of mathematical typesetting and notational clarity, Mathematica provides a variety of special variant forms of letters.
Mathematica's symbolic graphics representation allows for immediate interchange with all standard vector graphics formats.
Mathematica provides many mechanisms for interfacing with the web —from exporting graphics and structured active documents to interacting with web services, importing web ...