MaxExtraBandwidths is an option to SmoothKernelDistribution that controls the behavior outside that data range.
MaxMemoryUsed[] gives the maximum number of bytes used to store all data for the current Mathematica session.
MaxMixtureKernels is an option for SmoothKernelDistribution and related functions that specifies the maximum number and location of kernel functions to use in the estimation.
MaxPlotPoints is an option for plotting functions like ArrayPlot and ListPlot3D that specifies the maximum number of points that will explicitly be included in the output.
MenuSortingValue is an option for cells and notebooks that specifies where a cell style, stylesheet, or palette is listed in the Format \[FilledRightTriangle] Style submenu, ...
Messages[symbol] gives all the messages assigned to a particular symbol.
MultilineFunction is an option for UnderscriptBox and related box objects that specifies what to do when the contents of a box object are too long to fit on one line.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Needs["context`"] loads an appropriate file if the specified context is not already in $Packages. Needs["context`", " file"] loads file if the specified context is not ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) None is a setting used for certain options.
NotebookAutoSave is a notebook option which specifies whether the notebook should automatically be saved after each piece of output generated by evaluation in it.