NotebookClose[notebook] closes the notebook corresponding to the specified notebook object. NotebookClose[] closes the current evaluation notebook.
NotebookDelete[notebook] deletes the current selection in the notebook corresponding to the specified notebook object. NotebookDelete[] deletes the current selection in the ...
NotebookFileName[] gives the file name of the current evaluation notebook. NotebookFileName[nb] gives the file name for the notebook specified by nb.
Notebooks[] gives a list of notebooks currently open in the front end.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) NRoots[lhs == rhs, var] yields a disjunction of equations which represent numerical approximations to the roots of a polynomial equation.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Null is a symbol used to indicate the absence of an expression or a result. It is not displayed in ordinary output. When Null appears as a complete output expression, no ...
NullRecords is an option for Read and related functions which specifies whether null records should be taken to exist between repeated record separators.
NumberMultiplier is an option for NumberForm and related functions which gives the string to use as a multiplication sign in scientific notation.
NumberPadding is an option for NumberForm and related functions which gives strings to use as padding on the left- and right-hand sides of numbers.
NumberPoint is an option for NumberForm and related functions which gives the string to use as a decimal point.