(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Sharpen[image] gives a sharpened version of image.Sharpen[image, r] gives a version of image sharpened over pixel radius r.
ShowAutoStyles is an option for Cell that specifies whether styles that are specified to be automatically used for various syntactic and other constructs should be shown.
ShowCellLabel is an option for Cell that specifies whether to display the label for a cell.
ShowGroupOpener is an option for cells that specifies whether an opener icon is displayed next to the leading cell in a cell group to indicate whether the cell group is open ...
ShowSelection is an option to Notebook, Cell, and Style that specifies whether to show the current selection highlighted.
ShowShortBoxForm is an option for cells that specifies whether box expressions, which are used to represent two-dimensional forms in a cell, are displayed in a more compact ...
ShowStringCharacters is an option for Cell that specifies whether to display " when a string is entered.
ShrinkingDelay is an option for dynamic objects that specifies how long to delay before shrinking the size of the region in which the object is displayed to the actual size ...
SignPadding is an option for NumberForm and related functions that specifies whether padding should be inserted after signs.
Skeleton[n] represents a sequence of n omitted elements in an expression printed with Short or Shallow. The standard print form for Skeleton is <<n>>.