Sinusoid is a type of waveform.
Standard is a setting of ModulationType, an option of function FrequencyModulation.
PeakWavelength[temp] gives the wavelength of the maximum emission of a black body at the specified temperature temp.
TotalPower[temp] gives the total radiative power emitted by a black body at the specified temperature temp.
JewishNewYear[year] gives the date of the Jewish New Year occurring in Gregorian years between 1900 and 2099.
AddEdges[g, edgeList] gives graph g with the new edges in edgeList added. edgeList can have the form {a, b} to add a single edge {a, b} or the form {{a, b}, {c, d}, ...}, to ...
AddVertices[g, n] adds n disconnected vertices to graph g. AddVertices[g, vList] adds vertices in vList to g. vList contains embedding and graphics information and can have ...