RankKSetPartition[sp, s] ranks sp in the list of all k-block set partitions of s. RankSetPartition[sp] ranks sp in the list of all k-block set partitions of the set of ...
SetEdgeLabels[g, l] assigns the labels in l to edges of g.
SetPartitionListViaRGF[n] lists all set partitions of the first n natural numbers, by first listing all restricted growth functions (RGFs) on these and then mapping the RGFs ...
SetVertexLabels[g, l] assigns the labels in l to vertices of g.
ShowGraphArray[{g_1, g_2, ...}] displays a row of graphs. ShowGraphArray[{{g_1, ...}, {g_2, ...}, \ ...}] displays a two-dimensional table of graphs.
ShowLabeledGraph[g] displays graph g according to its embedding, with each vertex labeled with its vertex number.ShowLabeledGraph[g, l] uses the i\[Null]^th element of list l ...
SpringEmbedding[g] beautifies the embedding of graph g by modeling the embedding as a system of springs. SpringEmbedding[g, step, increment] can be used to refine the ...
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Strings[l, n] constructs all possible combinatorial strings of length n from the elements of list l.
SymmetricQ[r] tests if a given square matrix r represents a symmetric relation. SymmetricQ[g] tests if the edges of a given graph represent a symmetric relation.
ToAdjacencyMatrix[g] constructs an adjacency matrix representation for graph g. ToAdjacencyMatrix[g, EdgeWeight] returns edge weights as entries of the adjacency matrix with ...