(Music Package Symbol) C7 gives the frequency of the note C in octave 7.
CentsToHertz[{i_1, i_2, ...}] converts a list of intervals i_1, i_2, ..., measured in cents to a list of frequencies measured in Hertz, beginning at 440 ...
Cflat0 gives the frequency of the note C-flat in octave 0.
Cflat1 gives the frequency of the note C-flat in octave 1.
Cflat2 gives the frequency of the note C-flat in octave 2.
Cflat3 gives the frequency of the note C-flat in octave 3.
Cflat4 gives the frequency of the note C-flat in octave 4.
Cflat5 gives the frequency of the note C-flat in octave 5.
Cflat6 gives the frequency of the note C-flat in octave 6.
Cflat7 gives the frequency of the note C-flat in octave 7.