$ContinuousExtension is a global environment setting, specifying whether to generate conditions for continuous extensions of Runge\[Dash]Kutta methods.
$RungeKuttaMethod is a global environment setting, specifying the type of method to be generated by ButcherPhi and related functions.
AccelerationDueToGravity is the acceleration of a body freely falling in a vacuum on Earth at sea level.
AvogadroConstant is the number of molecules in one mole or gram molecular weight of a substance.
BoltzmannConstant is the ratio of the universal gas constant (MolarGasConstant) to Avogadro's number (AvogadroConstant).
ClassicalElectronRadius is the classical electron radius, an atomic constant.
DeuteronMagneticMoment is the deuteron magnetic moment.
DeuteronMass is the mass of a deuteron.
(Physical Constants Package Symbol) EarthMass is the mass of Earth, a physical constant.
ElectronComptonWavelength is the electron Compton wavelength.