ParallelProduct[expr, {i, i_max}] evaluates the product \[Product]i = 1 i_max expr in parallel.ParallelProduct[expr, {i, i_min, i_max}] starts with i = ...
ParallelSum[expr, {i, i_max}] evaluates in parallel the sum \[Sum]i = 1 i_max expr.ParallelSum[expr, {i, i_min, i_max}] starts with i = i min.ParallelSum[expr, {i, i_min, ...
PartitionsP[n] gives the number p (n) of unrestricted partitions of the integer n.
PartitionsQ[n] gives the number q (n) of partitions of the integer n into distinct parts.
PasteButton[expr] represents a button that pastes expr whenever it is pressed. PasteButton[label, expr] displays with label on the button.
PathGraphQ[g] yields True if the graph g is a path and False otherwise.
PaulWavelet[] represents a Paul wavelet of order 4.PaulWavelet[n] represents a Paul wavelet of order n.
PermutationOrder[perm] gives the order of permutation perm.
PeronaMalikFilter[image] applies a Perona\[Dash]Malik diffusion filter to image.PeronaMalikFilter[image, t] specifies the amount of diffusion t to be applied. ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Pi is \[Pi], with numerical value \[TildeEqual] 3.14159.