ToExpression[input] gives the expression obtained by interpreting strings or boxes as Mathematica input. ToExpression[input, form] uses interpretation rules corresponding to ...
Tolerance is an option for various numerical options which specifies the tolerance that should be allowed in computing results.
ToNumberField[a, \[Theta]] expresses the algebraic number a in the number field generated by \[Theta]. ToNumberField[{a_1, a_2, ...}, \[Theta]] expresses the a_i in the field ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Trace[expr] generates a list of all expressions used in the evaluation of expr. Trace[expr, form] includes only those expressions which match form. Trace[expr, s] includes ...
TransferFunctionExpand[tf] expands polynomial terms in the numerators and denominators of the TransferFunctionModel object tf.
TransferFunctionFactor[tf] factors the polynomial terms in the numerators and denominators of the TransferFunctionModel object tf.
TranslationTransform[v] gives a TransformationFunction that represents translation of points by a vector v.
TriangleWave[x] gives a triangle wave that varies between -1 and +1 with the unit period.TriangleWave[{min, max}, x] gives a triangle wave that varies between min and max ...
TrigExpand[expr] expands out trigonometric functions in expr.
TrigFactor[expr] factors trigonometric functions in expr.