Like other objects in Mathematica, the cells in a notebook, and in fact the whole notebook itself, are all ultimately represented as Mathematica expressions. With the ...
In many computations you are concerned only with the final result of evaluating the expression given as input. But sometimes you also want to collect expressions that were ...
Mathematica stores preference settings and initialization data in two directories, $BaseDirectory and $UserBaseDirectory. Within each of these directories are several ...
Introduction Linear Optimization Numerical Nonlinear Local Optimization
Lists are widely used in Mathematica, and there are many ways to construct them. Some explicit ways to construct lists. This gives a table of the first five powers of 2.
Functions for constructing matrices. This generates a 2×2 matrix whose i,j^th entry is a[i,j]. Here is another way to produce the same matrix.
A typical package written in Mathematica introduces several new symbols intended for use outside the package. These symbols may correspond for example to new functions or new ...
When you do symbolic calculations, it is quite easy to end up with extremely complicated expressions. Often, you will not even want to see the complete result of a ...
In doing numerical operations like NDSolve and NMinimize, Mathematica by default uses machine numbers. But by setting the option WorkingPrecision->n you can tell it to use ...
Counting roots of polynomials. CountRoots accepts polynomials with Gaussian rational coefficients. The root count includes multiplicities. This gives the number of real roots ...