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VarianceRatioTest   (Hypothesis Testing Package Symbol)
VarianceRatioTest[list_1, list_2, r] performs a test with null hypothesis \[Sigma]_1 2/\[Sigma]_2 2 = r.
VarianceTest   (Hypothesis Testing Package Symbol)
VarianceTest[list, \[Sigma]_0 2] performs a test with null hypothesis \[Sigma]^2 = \[Sigma]_0 2.
GeneralizedVariance   (Multivariate Statistics Package Symbol)
GeneralizedVariance[matrix] gives the generalized variance for matrix.
Radius   (Numerical Calculus Package Symbol)
Radius is an option to NSeries that specifies the radius of the circle around which the function is to be sampled.
Physical Constants Package   (Physical Constants Package Tutorial)
In addition to providing a comprehensive environment for calculations and a programming language, Mathematica is also a system for representing and presenting scientific and ...
Make a Legend for My Plots   (Plot Legends Package How To)
Mathematica provides many options for customizing and annotating plots. Legends can be added to plots and customized with many of the same methods used to customize other ...
Geodesate   (Polyhedron Operations Package Symbol)
Geodesate[expr, n] replaces each polygon in graphics expression expr by the projection onto the circumscribed sphere of the order n regular tessellation of that ...
OpenTruncate   (Polyhedron Operations Package Symbol)
OpenTruncate[expr] truncates each edge of each polygon in graphics expression expr without filling in with a polygon.OpenTruncate[expr, ratio] truncates to the specified ...
Truncate   (Polyhedron Operations Package Symbol)
Truncate[expr] truncates each edge of each polygon in graphics expression expr.Truncate[expr, ratio] truncates to the specified ratio of the edge length.
Polytopes Package   (Polytopes Package Tutorial)
This package contains functions that give geometrical characteristics of regular polygons. Polygons are identified by name (Digon, Decagon, etc.) in function arguments and in ...
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