(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Tooltip[expr, label] displays label as a tooltip while the mouse pointer is in the area where expr is displayed.
ToString[expr] gives a string corresponding to the printed form of expr in OutputForm. ToString[expr, form] gives the string corresponding to output in the specified form.
TransferFunctionPoles[tf] gives a matrix of roots of the denominators in the TransferFunctionModel object tf.
TransferFunctionZeros[tf] gives a matrix of roots of the numerators in the TransferFunctionModel object tf.
TrigReduce[expr] rewrites products and powers of trigonometric functions in expr in terms of trigonometric functions with combined arguments.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) lhs != rhs or lhs != rhs returns False if lhs and rhs are identical.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Union[list_1, list_2, ...] gives a sorted list of all the distinct elements that appear in any of the list_i. Union[list] gives a sorted version of a list, in which all ...
VectorAngle[u, v] gives the angle between the vectors u and v.
VertexTextureCoordinates is an option for graphics primitives that specifies the texture coordinates to assign to vertices.
VerticalSlider[y] represents a vertical slider at position y with range 0 to 1. VerticalSlider[Dynamic[y]] takes the position to be the dynamically updated current value of ...