The Lotka–Volterra system arises in mathematical biology and models the growth of animal species. Consider two species where Y_1(T) denotes the number of predators and Y_2(T) ...
NIntegrate Introduction NIntegrate Integration Strategies NIntegrate Integration Rules
[BerntEspGenz91] Berntsen, J., T. O. Espelid, and A. Genz. "An Adaptive Algorithm for the Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals." ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 17, no. 4 ...
Searching for local minima and maxima. This finds the value of x which minimizes Γ(x), starting at x2. The last element of the list gives the value at which the minimum is ...
Options associated with the interactive entering of expressions. The option SingleLetterItalics is typically set whenever a cell uses TraditionalForm. Here is an expression ...
Ways to change the overall options for a notebook. This creates a notebook displayed in a 40×30 window with a thin frame. Style options for a notebook.
Using the objects described in "Introduction to Patterns", you can set up patterns for many kinds of expressions. In all cases, you must remember that the patterns must ...
Pure functions. When you use functional operations such as Nest and Map, you always have to specify a function to apply. In all the examples above, we have used the "name" of ...
Mathematica saves information about every plot you produce, so that you can later redraw it. When you redraw plots, you can change some of the options you use. Functions for ...
General Mathematica patterns provide a powerful way to do string manipulation. But particularly if you are familiar with specialized string manipulation languages, you may ...