(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MPS mathematical file format. De facto standard for specifying linear programming (LP) problems. Commonly used as input format by LP solvers. MPS is an acronym for ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Minitab portable worksheet format. Statistical data format. Used for exchanging and archiving statistical data. MTP is an acronym derived from Minitab Portable Worksheet. ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: application/x-cdf CDF data file format. General-purpose, self-describing format for storing multidimensional datasets. Used for storage, management, and exchange ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) OFF 3D geometry format. Used for storing and exchanging 3D models. OFF is an acronym for Object File Format. Occasionally called COFF if color information is present. Related ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: application/pdf Adobe Acrobat format. Standard format for exchanging and archiving multi-page documents. PDF is an acronym for Portable Document Format. Binary ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: image/pict Macintosh graphics format. Was the original metafile format of the Apple Macintosh. PICT is an acronym derived from Picture. Can store raster images and ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) 3D geometry format. ASCII or binary format. Used for storage and interchange of 3D graphical objects. Known as Stanford Triangle Format. PLY is an acronym derived from ...
Registered MIME type: video/quicktime Apple QuickTime file format. Multimedia container format. Commonly used for archiving and exchanging video content. Stores audio and ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: chemical/x-mdl-sdf MDL molecule model files. Used in cheminformatics applications and on the web for storing and exchanging 3D molecule models. Plain text tabular ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Plain text file. Universal format for storage and exchange of textual information. Represents text as a sequence of characters and line separators. Stores characters as ...