InverseContinuousWaveletTransform[cwd] gives the inverse continuous wavelet transform of a ContinuousWaveletData object cwd. InverseContinuousWaveletTransform[cwd, wave] ...
InverseEllipticNomeQ[q] gives the parameter m corresponding to the nome q in an elliptic function.
InverseFourierTransform[expr, \[Omega], t] gives the symbolic inverse Fourier transform of expr. InverseFourierTransform[expr, {\[Omega]_1, \[Omega]_2, \ ...}, {t_1, t_2, ...
InverseFunction[f] represents the inverse of the function f, defined so that InverseFunction[f][y] gives the value of x for which f[x] is equal to y. InverseFunction[f, n, ...
ItemStyle is an option for Grid, Column, and related constructs that specifies styles to use for items.
JacobiAmplitude[u, m] gives the amplitude am(u \[VerticalSeparator] m) for Jacobi elliptic functions.
JacobiCD[u, m] gives the Jacobi elliptic function cd(u | m).
JacobiCS[u, m] gives the Jacobi elliptic function cs(u | m).
JacobiDC[u, m] gives the Jacobi elliptic function dc(u | m).
JacobiDS[u, m] gives the Jacobi elliptic function ds(u | m).