Affymetrix microarray data formats. Family of file formats used for the storage and exchange of microarray data and meta-information. ASCII or binary formats. Native formats ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Graphlet GML graph data format. Used for the storage and exchange of graphs. GML is an acronym derived from Graph Modelling Language. Native format of the Graphlet graph ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Registered MIME type: text/html HTML markup language and file format. Predominant language for the creation of web pages. HTML is an acronym derived from Hypertext Markup ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: chemical/x-pdb Protein Data Bank PDB files. 3D molecular model file. Used in bioinformatics applications and on the web for storing and exchanging molecule models. ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Generic tabular data. Stores numerical and textual information, formatted as a table. Supports user-defined field and record separators, field delimiters, currency tokens, ...
AdjacencyMatrix[g] gives the vertex\[Dash]vertex adjacency matrix of the graph g.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) AiryAi[z] gives the Airy function Ai(z).
AiryAiPrime[z] gives the derivative of the Airy function Ai^\[Prime] (z).
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) AiryBi[z] gives the Airy function Bi(z).
AlgebraicNumber[\[Theta], {c_0, c_1, ..., c_n}] represents the algebraic number in the field \[DoubleStruckCapitalQ][\[Theta]] given by c_0 + c_1 \[Theta] + ... + c_n ...