(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Csch[z] gives the hyperbolic cosecant of z.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Csc[z] gives the cosecant of z.
CurrentValue[item] gives the current value of item at a location in the Mathematica system and interface. CurrentValue[{item, spec}] gives the current value for the feature ...
DateListLogPlot[{{date_1, v_1}, {date_2, v_2}, ...}] makes a log plot with values v_i at a sequence of dates.DateListLogPlot[{v_1, v_2, ...}, datespec] makes a log plot with ...
DateList[] gives the current local date and time in the form {year, month, day, hour, minute, second}. DateList[time] gives a date list corresponding to an AbsoluteTime ...
DateListPlot[{{date_1, v_1}, {date_2, v_2}, ...}] plots points with values v i at a sequence of dates.DateListPlot[{v_1, v_2, ...}, datespec] plots points with dates at equal ...
DateString[] gives a string representing the complete current local date and time. DateString["elem"] gives the specified element or format for date and ...
DavisDistribution[b, n, \[Mu]] represents a Davis distribution with scale parameter b, shape parameter n, and location parameter \[Mu].
DesignMatrix[{{x_11, x_12, ..., y_1}, {x_21, x_22, ..., y_2}, ...}, {f_1, f_2, ...}, {x_1, x_2, ...}] constructs the design matrix for the linear model \[Beta]_0 + \[Beta]_1 ...
DifferenceRoot[lde] represents a function that solves the linear difference equation specified by lde[a, n].