Mathematica 6.0 fundamentally redefined Mathematica and introduced a major new paradigm for computation. Building on Mathematica's time-tested core symbolic architecture, ...
ListConvolve[ker, list] forms the convolution of the kernel ker with list. ListConvolve[ker, list, k] forms the cyclic convolution in which the k\[Null]^th element of ker is ...
The C code generator can be used to create standalone executables that link to the Wolfram runtime library. This example creates a standalone C executable for a low-pass ...
The Wolfram Lightweight Grid System provides functions for launching and managing remote kernels, one part of a complete Mathematica^® parallel computing environment. With ...
A remote kernel in use may fail at any time, due to hardware, network, or software problems. A failure of a remote kernel will be noticed the next time Parallel Computing ...
Parallel kernels do not have access to the values of variables defined in the master kernel, nor do they have access to locally defined functions. Mathematica contains a ...
Widget["IndexedImagePanel"] represents an indexed image panel.
Widget["Table"] represents a table.
This example demonstrates various techniques for designing a progress bar dialog and a number of options available to wrap the reusable widget involved. Here is one technique ...
Widgets created within a user interface definition can be named and registered in an object registry for easy lookup reference by script code and other widgets. Complete ...