The functions accessible with Wolfram LibraryLink make it possible to optimize numerical computations while still keeping the flexibility and generality of Mathematica. If ...
The Mathematica compiler generates a CompiledFunction expression that contains a sequence of simple instructions for evaluating a Mathematica computation. The compiled ...
mlextended_double is a MathLink type representing an extended-precision floating-point number.
int MLGetShortInteger (MLINK link, short *i) gets an integer from the MathLink connection specified by link and stores it as a C short in i.
int MLPutRealList (MLINK link, double *a, long n) puts a list of n floating-point numbers starting from location a to the MathLink connection specified by link.
MLMARK MLSeekMark (MLINK link, MLMARK mark, int n) goes back to a position n expressions after the specified mark on a link.
(Mathematica MathLink C Function) MLENV stdenv is a variable representing the standard MathLink environment in a program built from MathLink templates with mprep or mcc.
(Mathematica MathLink C Function) MLINK stdlink is a variable representing the standard link that connects a program built from MathLink templates to Mathematica.
CUDAFunctionLoad[src, fun, argtypes, blockdim] loads CUDAFunction from scr and makes fun available in Mathematica.CUDAFunctionLoad[{srcfile}, fun, argtypes, blockdim] loads ...
Because GPUs are SIMD machines, to exploit CUDA's potential you must pose the problem in an SIMD manner. Computation that can be partitioned in such a way that each thread ...