Same functionality now provided by ExportString[expr, {"MathML", "Expression"}].
Same functionality now provided by ImportString[string, {"MathML", "Boxes"}].
Same functionality now provided by ImportString[string, {"MathML", "Expression"}].
The NotebookML format is no longer supported.
The NotebookML format is no longer supported.
Ordinary Mathematica notebooks can be opened by non- Mathematica users using the free product Mathematica Player , which lets users view, print, and interact with live ...
As of Version 6.0, MLDisownIntegerArray() has been superseded by MLReleaseInteger32Array().
As of Version 6.0, MLDisownIntegerList() has been superseded by MLReleaseInteger32List().
As of Version 6.0, MLDisownRealArray() has been superseded by MLReleaseReal64Array().
As of Version 6.0, MLDisownRealList () has been superseded by MLReleaseReal64List ().