There are a number of file formats for working with meshes. They are useful since they can be used as interchange formats between CAD programs. Some of these are supported by ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Enabled is an option for objects such as Slider that specifies whether the objects should be enabled for interactive manipulation.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) expr[[i]] or Part[expr, i] gives the i\[Null]^th part of expr. expr[[-i]] counts from the end. expr[[i, j, ...]] or Part[expr, i, j, ...] is equivalent to expr[[i]][[j]] .... ...
Mathematica immediately allows you to do arithmetic not only with individual numbers, but also with arbitrary lists or arrays—as well as symbolic and algebraic forms. ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) First[expr] gives the first element in expr.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Last[expr] gives the last element in expr.
Mathematica has special sparse-array technology for efficiently handling arrays with literally astronomical numbers of elements when only a small fraction of the elements are ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Rest[expr] gives expr with the first element removed.
Many computations are conveniently specified in terms of applying functions in parallel to many elements in a list. Mathematica provides a suite of elegant functional ...