(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Wolfram Mathematica MGF bitmap format. Used by the Mathematica user interface for storing raster images. MGF is an acronym for Mathematica Graphics Format. Binary format. ...
CreateArchive[source] creates a compressed archive in the current directory from a file or directory specified by source.CreateArchive[source, path] creates a compressed ...
Unicode: F769. Alias: Esc ␣esc Esc. Letter-like form. Representation of the Escape key on a keyboard. Used in describing how to type aliases for special characters in ...
Unicode: F76B. Alias: Esc [ Esc. Letter-like form. Used in documenting control and command characters. key\[LeftModified]char\[RightModified] is used to indicate that char ...
Unicode: 205F. Alias: Esc ␣␣ ␣ Esc. Spacing character. Width: 4/18 em. Interpreted by default just like an ordinary \[RawSpace]. Sometimes used in output as a separator ...
Unicode: F382. Alias: Esc -␣␣ Esc. Negative spacing character. Used to bring characters on either side closer together. Width: -3/18 em. Interpreted by default just like an ...
Unicode: F528. Alias: Esc pl Esc. Letter-like form. Used to indicate where expressions can be inserted in a form obtained by pasting the contents of a button. Not the same as ...
Unicode: 002D. Raw operator. Equivalent to the ordinary ASCII character with code 45. As an overscript, used to indicate conjugation or negation. Also used to indicate an ...
Unicode: F766. Alias: Esc ␣ret Esc. Letter-like form. Representation of the Return key on a keyboard. Used in describing how to type textual input. Esc ret Esc is the alias ...
Unicode: F76C. Alias: Esc ] Esc. Letter-like form. Used in documenting control and command characters. key∖[LeftModified]char\[RightModified] is used to indicate that char ...