JavaClass[classname, n] represents a Java class with the specified name.
Mathematica provides a broad range of powerful constructs for laying out content on a screen or page. They are designed to be immediately useful for the beginner, yet also ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Grid[{{expr_11, expr_12, ...}, {expr_21, expr_22, ...}, ...}] is an object that formats with the expr_ij arranged in a two-dimensional grid.
The connectivity and data-processing capabilities of Mathematica make it ideal for importing and analyzing data displayed on a website. In most cases, this is relatively ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) BellY[n, k, {x_1, ..., x n - k + 1}] gives the partial Bell polynomial Y n, k (x_1, ..., x n - k + 1). BellY[n, k, m] gives the generalized partial Bell polynomial of a ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: application/x-texTeX typesetting system and programming language. Commonly used for typesetting mathematical and scientific publications and other technical ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Weights is an option for various fitting and other functions which specifies weights to associate with data elements.
ListConvolve[ker, list] forms the convolution of the kernel ker with list. ListConvolve[ker, list, k] forms the cyclic convolution in which the k\[Null]^th element of ker is ...
Particularly when you write procedural programs in Mathematica, you will often need to modify the value of a particular variable repeatedly. You can always do this by ...
This tutorial documents the XML representation of the user interface definition, GUIKitXML for short. This is a DTD representing the current GUIKit XML definitions. Use the ...