ColorSlider[color] represents a color slider currently set to the color corresponding to color.ColorSlider[Dynamic[color]] uses the dynamically updated current value of ...
CreateDialog[expr] creates a dialog notebook containing expr and opens it in the front end.CreateDialog[expr, obj] replaces the notebook represented by the notebook object ...
Like other objects in Mathematica, the cells in a notebook, and in fact the whole notebook itself, are all ultimately represented as Mathematica expressions. With the ...
"Defining Variables" discussed assignments such as x=y which set x equal to y. Here we discuss equations, which test equality. The equation x==y tests whether x is equal to ...
Expressions corresponding to notebooks. Here is a simple Mathematica notebook. Here is the expression that corresponds to this notebook.
When you give a list of equations to Solve, it assumes that you want all the equations to be satisfied simultaneously. It is also possible to give Solve more complicated ...
ContourPlot3D[f, {x, x_min, x_max}, {y, y_min, y_max}, {z, z_min, z_max}] produces a three-dimensional contour plot of f as a function of x, y, and z. ContourPlot3D[f == g, ...
RegionPlot3D[pred, {x, x_min, x_max}, {y, y_min, y_max}, {z, z_min, z_max}] makes a plot showing the three-dimensional region in which pred is True.
SmoothDensityHistogram[{{x_1, y_1}, {x_2, y_2}, ...}] plots a smooth kernel histogram of the values {x_i, y_i}.SmoothDensityHistogram[{{x_1, y_1}, {x_2, y_2}, ...}, espec] ...
OpenCLFunctionLoad[prog, fun, argtypes, blockdims] loads fun from source code prog, returning an OpenCLFunction object.OpenCLFunctionLoad[{progfile}, fun, argtypes, ...