DeleteEdges[g, edgeList] gives graph g minus the list of edges edgeList. If g is undirected, then the edges in edgeList are treated as undirected edges; otherwise they are ...
IncidenceMatrix[g] returns the (0, 1)-matrix of graph g, which has a row for each vertex and a column for each edge and (v, e) = 1 if and only if vertex v is incident upon ...
ToUnorderedPairs[g] constructs a list of unordered pairs representing the edges of graph g. Each edge, directed or undirected, results in a pair in which the smaller vertex ...
(Computational Geometry Package Symbol) Ray[{x_1, y_1}, {x_2, y_2}] is an object representing the infinite ray beginning at {x_1, y_1}in the direction of the point {x_2, y_2}.
HighlightStyle is an option for DendrogramPlot that specifies the style for highlighted clusters.
(Plot Legends Package Symbol) Legend[{{box_1, text_1}, ...}, options] generates a legend with the specified boxes and text.Legend[func, num, options] generates a legend by applying func to numbers between ...
Mathematica uses its knowledge of the symbolic structure of your input to display it with semantics-directed syntax coloring and other forms of styling. You can use options ...
Mathematica's symbolic architecture and sophisticated mathematical capabilities allow it to take a uniquely high-level approach to geometric transformations—supporting ...
The Mathematica graphics language has many controls for preparing and laying out plots. Aligning plots is important when preparing graphics for presentation or publication.
AcyclicGraphQ[g] yields True if the graph g is an acyclic graph and False otherwise.