Ways to construct nested lists. This generates a table corresponding to a 2×3 nested list. This generates an array corresponding to the same nested list.
Partitioning elements in a list. This partitions in blocks of 3. This partitions in blocks of 3 with offset 1.
In a statement like x^4+x^2>0, Mathematica treats the variable x as having a definite, though unspecified, value. Sometimes, however, it is useful to be able to make ...
Any combination of equations or inequalities can be thought of as implicitly defining a region in some kind of space. The fundamental function of Reduce is to turn this type ...
CUDAClamp[lst] clamps the values of lst between automatically determined values.CUDAClamp[lst, low, high] clamps the values of lst between low and high.
DendrogramPlot[list] constructs a dendrogram from the hierarchical clustering of list.DendrogramPlot[c] constructs a dendrogram from the Cluster object c.
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) GraphML graph data format. Standard exchange for graphs. GraphML is an acronym derived from Graph Markup Language. XML-based format. Represents typed, attributed, directed, ...
AdjacencyGraph[amat] gives the graph with adjacency matrix amat.AdjacencyGraph[{v_1, v_2, ...}, amat] gives the graph with vertices v_i and adjacency matrix amat.
BorelTannerDistribution[\[Alpha], n] represents a Borel\[Dash]Tanner distribution with shape parameters \[Alpha] and n.
ProteinData["prot"] gives the reference amino acid sequence for the protein prot.ProteinData["prot", " property"] gives the value of the specified property for the protein ...