Antialiasing is a Style option which specifies whether antialiasing should be done in rendering graphics.
BarabasiAlbertGraphDistribution[n, k] represents a Barabasi\[Dash]Albert graph distribution for n-vertex graphs where a new vertex with k edges is added at each step.
BattleLemarieWavelet[] represents the Battle-Lemarié wavelet of order 3.BattleLemarieWavelet[n] represents the Battle-Lemarié wavelet of order n evaluated on equally spaced ...
ConnectedGraphQ[g] yields True if the graph g is connected, and False otherwise.
ContourShading is an option for contour plots that specifies how the regions between contour lines should be shaded.
CreatePalette[expr] creates a palette notebook containing expr, and opens it in the front end.CreatePalette[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}] creates and opens a palette notebook ...
DerivativeFilter[image, {n_1, n_2}] computes the n_i\[Null]^th derivative of image in the vertical and horizontal directions.DerivativeFilter[image, {n_1, n_2}, \[Sigma]] ...
DiamondMatrix[r] gives a matrix whose elements are 1 in a diamond-shaped region that extends r index positions to each side, and are 0 otherwise.DiamondMatrix[r, w] gives a ...
DiskMatrix[r] gives a matrix whose elements are 1 in a disk-shaped region of radius r, and are otherwise 0.DiskMatrix[r, w] gives a w*w matrix containing a disk of 1s with ...
FindGraphIsomorphism[g_1, g_2] finds an isomorphism that maps the graph g_1 to g_2 by renaming vertices.