SelectedNotebook[] gives the currently selected notebook in the front end.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Drop[list, n] gives list with its first n elements dropped. Drop[list, -n] gives list with its last n elements dropped. Drop[list, {n}] gives list with its n\[Null]^th ...
Mathematica provides powerful functions for constructing lists of any size and structure.
Mathematica routinely handles huge arrays of numeric, symbolic, textual, or any other data, with any dimension or structure. Arrays are fully integrated into Mathematica's ...
Statistical visualization is used to understand how data is distributed and how that compares to other datasets and distributions. Histograms and smooth histograms both ...
Mathematica provides many functions to group terms in a polynomial, extract and sort the monomials, display them in various ways, and even process them as arbitrary ...
BilateralFilter[image, \[Sigma], \[Mu]] applies a bilateral filter of spatial spread \[Sigma] and pixel value spread \[Mu] to image.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Clip[x] gives x clipped to be between -1 and +1. Clip[x, {min, max}] gives x for min <= x <= max, min for x < min and max for x > max. Clip[x, {min, max}, {v_min, v_max}] ...
ColorConvert[expr, colspace] converts color specifications in expr to refer to the color space represented by colspace.
Colorize[m] generates an image from an integer matrix m, using colors for positive integers and black for non-positive integers.Colorize[image] replaces intensity values in ...