MorletWavelet[] represents a Morlet wavelet.
SkeletonTransform[image] gives the skeleton transform of image, in which the value of each skeleton pixel is its distance to the nearest background ...
StringLength["string"] gives the number of characters in a string.
Thinning[image] finds the skeletons of foreground regions in image by applying morphological thinning until convergence.Thinning[image, n] performs n iterations of ...
ToCharacterCode["string"] gives a list of the integer codes corresponding to the characters in a string. ToCharacterCode["string", " encoding"] gives integer codes according ...
TotalVariationFilter[image] iteratively reduces noise while preserving edges in image.TotalVariationFilter[image, param] assumes a regularization parameter value param.
ToUpperCase[string] yields a string in which all letters have been converted to uppercase.
WienerFilter[image, r] removes noise from image by applying a range-r Wiener filter.WienerFilter[image, r, ns] assumes an additive noise power value ns.
JacobiZeta[\[Phi], m] gives the Jacobi zeta function Z(\[Phi] \[VerticalSeparator] m).
ImageForwardTransformation[image, function] gives an image in which each pixel at position function[{x, y}] corresponds to the position {x, y} in ...