MomentConvert[mexpr, form] converts the moment expression mexpr to the specified form.
WaveletMatrixPlot[dwd] plots the basis tree of wavelet matrix coefficients in the DiscreteWaveletData dwd.WaveletMatrixPlot[dwd, r] plots coefficients up to refinement level ...
MeshStyle is an option for Plot3D, DensityPlot, and other plotting functions that specifies the style in which to draw a mesh.
There are many variants of quasi-Newton methods. In all of them, the idea is to base the matrix B_k in the quadratic model on an approximation of the Hessian matrix built up ...
Numerical algorithms for constrained nonlinear optimization can be broadly categorized into gradient-based methods and direct search methods. Gradient search methods use ...
BoxStyle is an option for three-dimensional graphics functions that specifies how the bounding box should be rendered.
While the default settings for plots created in Mathematica are sufficient in most cases, nearly every aspect of plots is customizable. In addition to letting you change the ...
This tutorial introduces some basic algorithms for computing with finite permutation groups, other than those introduced in "Permutation Groups". A subgroup H of a group G ...
As discussed in "Exact and Approximate Results", Mathematica can handle approximate real numbers with any number of digits. In general, the precision of an approximate real ...
ShearingTransform[\[Theta], v, n] gives a TransformationFunction that represents a shear by \[Theta] radians along the direction of the vector v, normal to the vector n, and ...