InverseJacobiND[v, m] gives the inverse Jacobi elliptic function nd -1 (v \[VerticalSeparator] m).
InverseJacobiSC[v, m] gives the inverse Jacobi elliptic function sc -1 (v \[VerticalSeparator] m).
InverseJacobiSD[v, m] gives the inverse Jacobi elliptic function sd -1 (v \[VerticalSeparator] m).
InverseJacobiSN[v, m] gives the inverse Jacobi elliptic function sn -1 (v \[VerticalSeparator] m).
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) JacobiP[n, a, b, x] gives the Jacobi polynomial P_n^(a, b)(x).
NevilleThetaC[z, m] gives the Neville theta function \[CurlyTheta]_c (z \[VerticalSeparator] m).
SpheroidalEigenvalue[n, m, \[Gamma]] gives the spheroidal eigenvalue with degree n and order m.
WeierstrassZeta[u, {g_2, g_3}] gives the Weierstrass zeta function \[Zeta](u; g_2, g_3).
ZetaZero[k] represents the k\[Null]^th zero of the Riemann zeta function on the critical line.ZetaZero[k, t] represents the k\[Null]^th zero with imaginary part greater than ...
Ways to get pieces of matrices. Matrices in Mathematica are represented as lists of lists. You can use all the standard Mathematica list-manipulation operations on matrices. ...