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Import and Export Images   (Mathematica How To)
Of the many ways images can be loaded into a Mathematica notebook, Import is the main method used to access image files on your local computer or at a remote location. The ...
FileBaseName   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
FileBaseName["file"] gives the base name for a file without its extension.
FileExtension   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
FileExtension["file"] gives the file extension for a file name.
LinkPatterns   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
LinkPatterns[link] gives a list of the patterns for which definitions were set up when the external program associated with the specified MathLink connection was installed.
Put   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
expr >> filename writes expr to a file. Put[expr_1, expr_2, ..., " filename"] writes a sequence of expressions expr_i to a file. Put["filename "] creates an empty file with ...
$CurrentLink   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
$CurrentLink is the LinkObject representing the MathLink connection for an external program currently being installed or being called.
Help > X Environment Information   (Mathematica Menu Item)
X Environment Information opens a dialog box that displays the current attributes of the X front end environment (X only).
OperatingSystem   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
OperatingSystem is an option for file and related operations that specifies the type of operating system to use to determine file name and other conventions.
$Context   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
$Context is a global variable that gives the current context.
Launching Mathematica on Mac OS X   (Mathematica Tutorial)
To run Mathematica using a network license, both the client machine and the license server must be on the network and MathLM must be running. If you do not have a MathLM ...
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