ResetDirectory[] resets the current working directory to its previous value.
$HomeDirectory gives your "home" directory.
ParentDirectory[] gives the parent of the current working directory. ParentDirectory["dir"] gives the parent of the directory dir.
NotebookDirectory[] gives the directory of the current evaluation notebook. NotebookDirectory[nb] gives the directory for the notebook specified by nb.
CellPrint[expr] inserts expr as a complete cell in the current notebook just below the cell being evaluated. CellPrint[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}] inserts a sequence of cells.
SetDirectory["dir"] sets the current working directory to dir. SetDirectory[] sets the current working directory to your "home" directory.
TracePrint[expr] prints all expressions used in the evaluation of expr. TracePrint[expr, form] includes only those expressions which match form. TracePrint[expr, s] includes ...
DirectoryName["name"] extracts the directory name from the specification for a file.
PrintTemporary[expr] prints expr as a temporary cell in a notebook, removing it when the evaluation of the current input line is complete.
NotebookPrint[expr] sends a notebook containing expr to your default printer.NotebookPrint[notebook] sends the specified notebook to your default printer. ...