ScientificForm[expr] prints with all real numbers in expr given in scientific notation. ScientificForm[expr, n] prints with numbers given to n-digit precision.
In many kinds of numerical computations, it is convenient to introduce approximate functions. Approximate functions can be thought of as generalizations of ordinary ...
TetGenSetMessages[True | False] enables or disables the issuing of messages from TetGen.
ParametricPlot3D[{f_x, f_y, f_z}, {u, u_min, u_max}] produces a three-dimensional space curve parametrized by a variable u which runs from u_min to u_max. ...
PolyhedronData[poly, " property"] gives the value of the specified property for the polyhedron named poly.PolyhedronData[poly] gives an image of the polyhedron named ...
This tutorial covers advanced features of the Manipulate command. It assumes that you have read "Introduction to Manipulate" and thus have a good idea what the command is for ...
(Function Approximations Package Symbol) PrintFlag is an option to MiniMaxApproximation and GeneralMiniMaxApproximation that specifies whether data from the successive iterates in the approximation algorithm are to ...
Mathematica can export anything it displays—graphics, text, formulas, notebooks—to any standard raster image format. It can also import from such formats to give Mathematica ...
Mathematica not only has systemwide support for arbitrary Unicode characters, but also includes nearly a thousand carefully designed characters for mathematical notation and ...
Mathematica allows you to control font sizes of text, math, and graphics for clarity, compactness, or personal preference. You can choose styles for individual characters, ...