CUDALink allows Mathematica to use the CUDA parallel computing architecture on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). It contains functions that use CUDA-enabled GPUs to boost ...
int MLEvaluateString (MLINK link, char *string) sends a string to Mathematica for evaluation, and discards any packets sent in response.
int MLNextPacket (MLINK link) goes to the next packet on link and returns a constant to indicate its head.
The CCompilerDriver Package lets you work with C compilers that are installed on your computer. It is used automatically by the Mathematica compiler when you set the option ...
x >= y or x >= y yields True if x is determined to be greater than or equal to y. x_1 >= x_2 >= x_3 yields True if the x_i form a non-increasing sequence.
x <= y or x <= y yields True if x is determined to be less than or equal to y. x_1 <= x_2 <= x_3 yields True if the x TraditionalForm\`i form a nondecreasing sequence.
If you make a definition like f[x_]:=x Sin[x], Mathematica will store the expression x Sin[x] in a form that can be evaluated for any x. Then when you give a particular value ...
The main equations that Solve and related Mathematica functions deal with are polynomial equations. It is easy to solve a linear equation in x. One can also solve quadratic ...
Notation , Symbolize and InfixNotation have several options that modify their behavior. These notation functions all take the options WorkingForm and Action. In addition the ...
ContinuousWaveletData[{{oct_1, voc_1} -> coef_1, ...}, wave] yields a continuous wavelet data object with wavelet coefficients coef_i corresponding to octave and voice ...