The hierarchy of levels at which options can be set. Here is a notebook containing three cells. This is what happens when the setting CellFrame->True is made specifically for ...
Mathematica's highly optimized architecture makes it easy to create programs that are both elegant and efficient. Its symbolic character lets you immediately run and test ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) expr >> filename writes expr to a file. Put[expr_1, expr_2, ..., " filename"] writes a sequence of expressions expr_i to a file. Put["filename "] creates an empty file with ...
NumberForm[expr, n] prints with approximate real numbers in expr given to n-digit precision.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Shallow[expr] prints as a shallow form of expr. Shallow[expr, depth] prints with all parts of expr below the specified depth given in skeleton form. Shallow[expr, {depth, ...
Files and pipes are both examples of general Mathematica objects known as streams. A stream in Mathematica is a source of input or output. There are many operations that you ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Message[symbol::tag] prints the message symbol::tag unless it has been switched off. Message[symbol::tag, e_1, e_2, ...] prints a message, inserting the values of the e_i as ...
In doing a calculation with Mathematica, you usually go through a sequence of steps. If you want to, you can do each step on a separate line. Often, however, you will find it ...
Mathematica allows convenient discovery and customization of all aspects of its system setup.
WriteString[channel, expr_1, expr_2, ...] converts the expr_i to strings, and then writes them in sequence to the specified output channel.