NIntegrate[f, {x, x_min, x_max}] gives a numerical approximation to the integral \[Integral]_x_min^x_max\ f\ d \ x. NIntegrate[f, {x, x_min, x_max}, {y, y_min, y_max}, ...] ...
EllipticF[\[Phi], m] gives the elliptic integral of the first kind F(\[Phi] \[VerticalSeparator] m).
The Mathematica function NDSolve is a general numerical differential equation solver. It can handle a wide range of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) as well as some ...
The shooting method works by considering the boundary conditions as a multivariate function of initial conditions at some point, reducing the boundary value problem to ...
DiscreteShift[f, i] gives the discrete shift DiscreteShift[f(i), i] == f(i + 1). DiscreteShift[f, {i, n}] gives the multiple shift \[DiscreteShift]_i^n\ f.DiscreteShift[f, ...
NDSolve uses norms of error estimates to determine when solutions satisfy error tolerances. In nearly all cases the norm has been weighted, or scaled, such that it is less ...
Dynamic behavior is added to a GUIKit user interface by executing Mathematica code. This lets one part of the definition interact with another, for example, specifying the ...
Sometimes it is useful to work directly with the request message that is sent to a web service. This message may be retrieved using the ToServiceRequest function. ...
Mathematica supports dynamic hierarchical namespace management, fully integrated into the Mathematica language. Mathematica's symbolic programming paradigm allows a unique ...
InitializeXMLParser[root, " file"] creates an XMLParser object that has a list of entities corresponding to the contents of " file" and can be used on XML documents that have ...