ProvablePrimeQ[n] gives True if n is provably prime, and False otherwise.
GraphicsGrid[{{g_11, g_12, ...}, ...}] generates a graphic in which the g_ij are laid out in a two-dimensional grid.
When you write programs in Mathematica, there are various ways to document your code. As always, by far the best thing is to write clear code, and to name the objects you ...
Built on powerful and elegant principles, the core Mathematica language provides a uniquely deep and rich programming language that scales from rapid prototyping to large ...
Combinatorica extends Mathematica by over 450 functions in combinatorics and graph theory. It includes functions for constructing graphs and other combinatorial objects, ...
Evaluate[expr] causes expr to be evaluated even if it appears as the argument of a function whose attributes specify that it should be held unevaluated.
Exponent[expr, form] gives the maximum power with which form appears in the expanded form of expr. Exponent[expr, form, h] applies h to the set of exponents with which form ...
(Function Approximations Package Symbol) Brake is an option to MiniMaxApproximation and GeneralMiniMaxApproximation that specifies how changes from one iteration to the next are to be restricted.
OrderStarLegend is an option to OrderStarPlot that specifies whether to display the legend of symbols used to represent zeros, poles and interpolation points.
(Function Approximations Package Symbol) PlotFlag is an option to MiniMaxApproximation and GeneralMiniMaxApproximation that specifies whether plots of the relative error of successive iterates in the approximation ...