(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) BitNot[n] gives the bitwise NOT of the integer n.
EllipticExpPrime[u, {a, b}] gives the derivative of EllipticExp[u, {a, b}] with respect to u.
When you set a value to a symbol, that value will be used for the symbol for the entire Mathematica session. Since symbols no longer in use can introduce unexpected errors ...
DaubechiesWavelet[] represents a Daubechies wavelet of order 2. DaubechiesWavelet[n] represents a Daubechies wavelet of order n.
By providing a completely extensible set of vertex and edge properties, you can make graphs represent much more than the structural information embodied in their topology. ...
Palettes give you immediate access to many features built into Mathematica, from creating syntactically complete expressions and inserting special characters, to building up ...
ExtentElementFunction is an option to DiscretePlot and DiscretePlot3D that gives a function to use to generate the primitives for rendering each extent element.
LandauDistribution[\[Mu], \[Sigma]] represents a Landau distribution with location parameter \[Mu] and scale parameter \[Sigma].
Internal representations used by Mathematica. When you type input into Mathematica, a data structure is created in the memory of your computer to represent the expression you ...