OneIdentity is an attribute that can be assigned to a symbol f to indicate that f[x], f[f[x]], etc. are all equivalent to x for the purpose of pattern matching.
CatalanNumber[n] gives the n\[Null]^th Catalan number C_n.
Statistical distributions have applications in many fields, including the biological, social, and physical sciences. Mathematica represents statistical distributions as ...
Code generation from Mathematica involves converting programs written in the Mathematica language into other languages and then supporting them so that they can be executed. ...
SymbolicExpressionMLToExpression[expr] takes a SymbolicXML expression expr that represents an ExpressionML document and returns the corresponding expression.
Unicode: 039E. Aliases: Esc X Esc, Esc Xi Esc. Greek letter. Not commonly used. Used for grand canonical partition function, cascade hyperon and regular language complexity.
"SelectionHelpDialog" is a front end token that opens the Documentation Center.
AutoOpenNotebooks is a global option that specifies which notebooks should be automatically opened when Mathematica is started.
BoxFormFormatTypes is a global option that specifies the list of typeset format types that are currently defined.
CellFrameColor is an option that specifies the color of the frame around a cell.