Mathematica provides a uniquely integrated and automated environment for parallel computing. With zero configuration, full interactivity, and seamless local and network ...
ParallelArray[f, n] generates in parallel a list of length n, with elements f[i], evaluated.ParallelArray[f, {n_1, n_2, ...}] generates in parallel an n_1*n_2*... array of ...
ParallelDo[expr, {i_max}] evaluates expr in parallel i_max times. ParallelDo[expr, {i, i_max}] evaluates expr in parallel with the variable i successively taking on the ...
ListLineIntegralConvolutionPlot[{array, image}] generates a line integral convolution plot of image convolved with the vector field defined by an array of vector field ...
A delay differential equation is a differential equation where the time derivatives at the current time depend on the solution and possibly its derivatives at previous times: ...
LibraryGenerate[cfun, name, opts] generates a shared library from the compiled function cfun using the name as the exported function name.
FunctionalGraph[f, v] takes a set v and a function f from v to v and constructs a directed graph with vertex set v and edges (x, f[x]) for each x in v. FunctionalGraph[{f_1, ...
FrobeniusInstance and FrobeniusSolve are now available as the newly added built-in Mathematica kernel function FrobeniusSolve. FrobeniusF is now available as the newly added ...
Mathematica has many special features that optimize the entry and editing of both ordinary text and Mathematica input in notebooks.
HoldAllComplete is an attribute which specifies that all arguments to a function are not to be modified or looked at in any way in the process of evaluation.